Makayla Carpenter testimonial

Work With Me

Are you READY to overcome the restrictive dieting and emotional eating? To start healing your relationship with food and yourself so you can live the life you DESERVE? (AKA following your dreams without letting food (and yourself) hold you back)?

What is it like working with me?
My 6 month 1:1 coaching programme

Free Initial Consultation Call

This call is all about finding out if we are a good fit for each other. On this call we discuss exactly what areas that we would need to focus on together in order to help you reach your goals. 

Coaching sessions

Once you are signed up to work with me, we will begin our weekly calls. In between sessions I will also be available via message for any extra questions or situations that arise.

What we go through on the calls

While some aspects of the programme will differ between individuals (everyone’s experience is different!) there are many core areas that I coach on. One of the main areas that I work my clients through is how to transform their mindset (the way they think about things) to allow them to overcome hurdles such as emotional eating, binge eating and restrictive dieting. Alongside tools to unlearn unhealthy habits and create new ones so that food is no longer a coping mechanism.

Be ready to walk away with a transformed outlook not only on food but on yourself.

When working with me; if you make the commitment and put in the actions that I coach you on; you will walk away feeling transformed, you will recognise the POWER that you hold in your life. And not least of all, well on your way to healing your relationship with food and equipped to do so!


Invercargill, NZ

Makayla Carpenter

If you are wanting to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating, make sure to check out my blog. I know you will find it helpful!

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