Do you often find yourself in situations where you wish you could stop worrying about what others think of you?
Maybe you are at a work event, meeting with old friends or just in general find yourself worrying about what others think of you; for doing something or looking a certain way.
These worries impact your self-esteem, your self-confidence and what you are willing to do due to the fear of what others may think.
This blog post is created for YOU… these are 5 tips that will help you stop worrying about what others think of you so you can focus on yourself without these fears and concerns.
With each blog post, I like to give you the opportunity to claim this AMAZING free 3 step guide to help you get your started on your healing journey.
In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food.
You can claim your free guide by clicking the blue button above.
5 Tips To Stop Worrying About What Others Think Of You
1) Stop worrying about what others think of you - Question your worries
Sit yourself down with a pen and paper and answer these questions; just write how you feel – be honest.
- Ask yourself what EXACTLY you are worried about? Dig deep and understand what your concerns are.
- If you are worried about judgement from people; what exactly are you worried about being judged on?
- Is it something you are insecure about?
- What do YOU think that people will be thinking?
- Why do you think people will think that?
Often times our own insecurities are coming up as a form of our own judgement on those people. We are assuming that they are thinking the same about our insecurities as we are, when in reality this typically is not the case. To stop worrying about what others think of you it is important to become aware of this.
2) Stop worrying about what others think of you - Focus on the control you hold over your own thoughts/ feelings
With these worries in mind ask yourself “is that true? Is there evidence for this?”
Often times you will find there is not.. often it is our own thoughts that are creating these worries.
I will discuss in the next step the situation if there is evidence (eg. They are verbally saying things etc).
In the moments when you are worrying about what others think, start to listen to the thoughts you are having, become aware of them. How are you thinking about the situation? Are these thoughts helpful if you are trying to stop worrying about what others think of you? What thoughts WOULD be helpful?

3) Stop worrying about what others think of you - If people ARE judging you it is more about them than you
Imagine this: you are living your best life, feeling aligned and where you want to be; would you be judging other people? OR would you be more likely to be lifting others up and getting excited for other people too?
When we feel good, we are not worried about judging other people: we are usually more worried about following our passions and uplifting others.
Judgement often comes from some form of jealousy OR unhappiness within someone’s life; it says more about them than you. If they are judging you for trying something new it is likely to do with there OWN fears around doing something and seeing you not let your fear stop you.
This is really important to recognise when trying stop worrying about what others think of you; it brings to light that it is not actually about YOU.
4) Stop worrying about what others think of you - Most people are more worried about themselves
This is quite simply how it sounds. People are the centre of their own lives, they may think about you in some way (depending on if you know them, how well etc), however, at the end of the day they are more focused on themselves and what is going on in THEIR life.
We may know this already; but it is important to remind ourselves.
5) Stop worrying about what others think of you - Find your focus
The last thing I want to share is around finding your focus; finding your PASSION. The things that make you feel good and take you were you want to go; keep doing them (or START doing them). Don’t let other peoples possible thoughts (think number 1) we often assume what people are thinking) stop you from doing the things that spark that passion in you.
Accept that people will judge no matter what you do or don’t do (with number 3 in mind!) but don’t let that stop you. Listen to your thoughts; question them! Create helpful thoughts and push through those fears and worries!
Going towards a dream/ goal that you have and focusing in on it is a very powerful way to stop worrying about what others think of you.
In Closing:
Taking control of your own thoughts and feelings around your worries and finding your focus is one of the best ways to stop worrying about what others think of you.
Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.
Click here to download it:
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This is a safe space for you to meet others, engage and learn as you embark on your healing journey.
1 Response to "5 Tips To Stop Worrying About What Others Think Of You"
[…] what makes YOU feel good, follow YOUR passions (see my post “5 things to know to help you stop worrying about what others think of you”). At the end of the day; YOU are the one who is living your life, you may as well be doing what […]