Do you want to learn to start loving yourself? To stop feeling as though your past mistakes or life situations define you?
Not sure that this is even possible, ready to even settle at being able to accept yourself?
This blog/ video is just for you, as I will be discussing how to start loving yourself. Beginning with understanding and acceptance of your current beliefs and thoughts. Then by starting to create shifts towards acceptance of ourselves and eventually love.
With each blog post, I like to give even extra value. I invite you to watch the "Start Overcoming Emotional Eating Today: Master Class" I have created.
In this FREE master class you will learn the first step to overcoming emotional eating and exactly HOW to do this.
You can get access to the master class by clicking the blue button above.
5 Tips To Start Loving Yourself When You Don't Believe You Can
1. Understand Why You Currently Don’t Love Yourself
When you think about loving yourself what comes up for you? Why do you think you don’t love yourself?
To be able to truly love yourself, you must first understand where the not loving yourself is coming from. Become mindful of those thoughts that are unkind and not loving in nature: why are they there, where have they come from?
How much of this is coming from other people or fears around other people?
2. Think Small Steps Towards Change
Aim towards understanding and acceptance of yourself in the first place. This journey towards self-love is not to be taken lightly and it is important to realize that it will take time. So take it easy, focus on one thing at a time and give yourself grace.
Start with becoming aware of the thoughts and beliefs you are holding onto, then take the next step.

3. Accept That The Past is The Past
Accept that any thing that has happened in the past cannot be changed. Holding onto past failures, mistakes or bad decisions will not change them. It is important to be able to come to terms with this. Recognize the potential of accepting these things and moving forward. The past can define us, if we let it, but we can choose to change our narrative and not let it define us.
4. Start Changing These Unhelpful Beliefs and Thoughts
Once you have a good awareness and understanding of the thoughts and beliefs that are not helping you to start loving yourself, you can start shifting them. You may already have started doing this as you have become more mindful of them.
This part is definitely not easy but it is pivotal in starting to love yourself. Start by really questioning those thoughts you are having – are they true? Or are they coming from a belief that has developed? What thought would be more helpful?
5. Get clear on why you want to love yourself
Why is this important to you? Is it so you can let go of certain feelings like shame or feelings of not being accepted? So you can set a good example for your kids? So you can unlearn other things in your life that you are not happy about?
Get clear on why so that you are more likely to do the work and take the time to create this big change in your life. Be intentional about what you are after and what it means to you.
In Closing:
Loving yourself when you are coming from a place where you don’t believe it is possible can be very hard. But not impossible! It takes time and grace towards yourself to do the inner work needed to find that self-love. I really hope you have found this blog helpful in starting to at least accept yourself.
Remember to get access to the master class: start overcoming emotional eating today.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
5 Crucial Learnings in Healing Your Relationship With Food and Yourself:
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
Healing your relationship with food is no small feat and having others around you who are on the same journey can really help! That is exactly why I created this Facebook group.
This is a safe space for you to meet others, engage and learn as you embark on your healing journey.
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