Do you need to let go of food and body perfectionism?
Do you never feel like you are doing enough and others are judging you?
Do you say mean things to yourself in your head and beat yourself up for making mistakes?
Struggle to take compliments?
These are all signs that you struggle with food and body perfectionism. I will discuss these points and how to let go of food and body perfectionism in this weeks video.
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In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food.
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5 Ways You Can Let go of Food and Body Perfectionism
Sign 1: You Never Feel Like You Are Doing Good Enough
Example – You find yourself thinking that you should be or could be doing something better, a deep sense of not being good enough.
How to let go of food and body perfectionism:
Dig into the beliefs you are holding around this. Why do you not think it is good enough? What does good enough look like? Where are your thoughts/ beliefs around this coming from?
Sign 2: You Constantly Feel Like Others Are Judging You
Example: constantly thinking that others can see you are not doing something right. Afraid of these judgements, you even pull back in fear of this.
How to let go of food and body perfectionism:
Ask yourself, what if they are? What does that mean for me? Am I basing my worth off of other peoples opinions? What are the facts and do other peoples opinions matter.

Sign 3: You Say Unkind Things to Yourself in Your Head
Example: You have inner talk that is mean to yourself “ I have no self control, why did I eat all of that? I am disgusting”.
How to let go food and body perfectionism:
Start recognizing these words you are speaking towards yourself. Understand their power: if you constantly tell yourself these things – you are not going to feel worthy or good enough. Start questioning the truth behind these thoughts i.e I have no self control, why did I eat all of that? I am disgusting”. Do I have no self control? I know that is not true, I am always walking past cakes at the bakery and don’t buy them, there must be something else going on for me. Eating all of that does not mean I am disgusting, I was feeling sad when I ate the food – I have an emotional eating problem which I need to work through.
Sign 4: You Beat Yourself up if You Make Mistakes
You think things like “How could I let this happen AGAIN? I am so disappointed in myself”.
How to let go food and body perfectionism:
Show yourself compassion. Focus on these thoughts and the truth behind them. Recognize they are not helpful in your goals. Problem solve situations rather than let them stop you.
Sign 5: You Struggle to Take Compliments
Example: If someone tells you you look nice you struggle to accept this, even if you say thank you, you feel as though they are lying or joking.
How to let go of food and body perfectionism:
Understand that others thoughts are not yours. You are saying unkind things about yourself but more often than not others are not thinking these things. You are putting your thoughts towards yourself onto them.
In Closing:
If you struggle with these signs of body and food perfectionism I hope you have found this post on how to let go of food and body perfectionism helpful.
Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
5 tips to stop worrying about what others think of you:
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
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