A question that you may be thinking: HOW on earth could you include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet?

The answer to this question may feel out of your grasp.. like a dream.

I am going to show you that it is in fact very possible and you can 100% start to love including more healthy foods in your diet. Here are 3 steps that will show you exactly HOW you can do this WITHOUT it feeling like you are dieting!

With each blog post, I like to give you the opportunity to claim this AMAZING free 3 step guide to help you get your started on your healing journey.

In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food. 

You can claim your free guide by clicking the blue button above.

3 Steps To Include More Healthy Foods Without Feeling Like You Are On A Diet.

1) Focus on nourishing your body rather than restricting

This first step is VERY important if you are wanting to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet.

Why is this important?

On a typical “diet” we are told to not eat certain foods or to greatly limit the amount of them that we are eating. These “rules” are focused on restriction. There are a few downfalls of this focus on restriction: 

• We put these foods that we are saying we cannot have onto a pedestal. In our minds, we categorise them as an off - bound treat. The more we feel like we cannot have something, the more we will crave it. Additionally, the more we will eat of it when we do finally get it, because subconsciously we think or know we are going to restrict it again. 

• This overall restrictive mindset and what I described above can turn into a habit that we keep falling into. Causing us to further restrict the food in hopes of counteracting or preventing this overeating from happening again. This does not work though, this is how you stay stuck and feel restricted. 

• It also feeds into negative feelings about ourselves, feelings of guilt and shame, which further continues the cycle. 

Focusing on nourishing our bodies instead will make it easy (and exciting!) to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet:

Focus on what you are bringing into your diet; what nutritious foods can you bring in to nourish your body? This is about focusing on what is best for your body rather than JUST losing weight. 

We make healthier choices when we have our own best interest in mind. When we are able to create this mindset shift: weight-loss is no longer the goal; feeling good is the goal and weight-loss comes as a bonus.

2) Tell yourself you are worthy of feeling your best and you want to nourish your body.

If you don’t believe this then add “I am willing to believe” to the start. Remind yourself this when you are buying your groceries or deciding what to have for a meal. Get this thought in your head, make it normal by repeating it. 

Nourishing your body should be exciting! This will help you immensely to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet

Include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet

Why this is important to believe: 

It further helps you to shift your focus towards nourishing yourself. You need to believe (or at least be willing to believe) that YOU deserve and are worthy of feeling GOOD and treating yourself with kindness. This includes creating these big mindset shifts in order to create lifestyle changes.

3) Focus on the whole-foods that you enjoy

That is right! You don’t have to force down that kale salad if you don’t enjoy it (and you shouldn’t!). Try dishes with your favourite whole foods in them (i.e fruit, vegetables (potatoes too!), whole grains etc). If you want to be able to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet, you need to enjoy what you are eating!

Focus on these foods that you are bringing in and ADDING to your meals. Remember this is not a diet this is a lifestyle (and mindset!) shift.

If you are not sure what to have; look for recipes that look delicious and nutritious! I personally love searching Pinterest for recipes and you can always adjust recipes to make them more nourishing for your body.

By picking the things you know you love and getting excited about trying new things you are already pushing yourself out of the restrictive mindset; it should no longer feel like you are going on another diet.

In Closing:

I hope you try out these 3 steps, I am sure you will have recognised a theme amongst them. We want to focus on nourishing our bodies! This mindset shift is very powerful and will make it so much easier to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet.

Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.

Click here to download it: 

Resources You Might Find Helpful

6 Tips to Eating Less Processed Foods Without Feeling Deprived: The Crowd it Out Method:


Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here 

Healing your relationship with food is no small feat and having others around you who are on the same journey can really help! That is exactly why I created this Facebook group.

This is a safe space for you to meet others, engage and learn as you embark on your healing journey.

Makayla Carpenter
Makayla Carpenter

I hope you enjoyed this post. I share new weekly content that is specifically designed to empower you to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating through healing your relationship with food (and yourself) so you can live the life you DESERVE. Please share any content ideas that you would like me to create for you!

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