Do you just WISH you were more confident? Or do you find yourself wondering if you missed out on some gene that would make you confident (unlike those lucky people who have plenty of confidence)?
Well, I will tell you now, it isn’t luck or genes for most people…
It definitely was not the case for me!
In this blog post I am going to share with you HOW to build your confidence and not let your emotions stop you in just 5 steps.
With each blog post, I like to give you the opportunity to claim this AMAZING free 3 step guide to help you get your started on your healing journey.
In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food.
You can claim your free guide by clicking the blue button above.
How to Build your Confidence and Not Let Your Emotions Stop You in 5 Steps.
1) Believe that confidence is something you can have
This step is essential if you want to learn how to build your confidence. This is a core belief that needs to align with your actions for you to become confident. If you do not believe that confidence is something you can have then you won’t get it. This is because your actions follow on from the things you believe; if you don’t believe you can have confidence then why would you take action towards becoming confident?
If you do not believe confidence is something you can have: how do you change this?
You change this through your thoughts and questioning why you do not believe this. The everyday thoughts you hold about yourself are what feed into your beliefs; so by changing these you can change your beliefs.
No matter what your past looks like; you can decide to take action which will build your confidence right now. You can start believing that you can gain confidence and take action as though this is a true belief; you will find yourself start to truly believing it.
2) Ask yourself what is not making you feel confident
If you want to learn how to build your confidence ask yourself what is making holding you back from feeling confident?
Often we will find that we are basing how we feel off of past experiences. Experiences where things did not go to plan or where we remember feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Really ask yourself what is holding you back?
Get curious with the reasons that you come up with and ask yourself why you are letting it stop you – what are you afraid of and why?

3) Focus on the things that bring you joy and you feel good about
If you want to learn how to build your confidence it is important to aim for the goals/dreams that feel aligned to you. What this means is following your passions and the things you enjoy. This is because, besides bringing more enjoyment to your life, you are able to truly focus on these things and let go of fears that would usually hold you back. It is much easier to grow our confidence when we are having fun and enjoying what we are doing!
What thoughts have helped you feel confident in the past when doing the things you enjoy? How could you bring these into other areas of your life?
4) Stop letting your inferiority complex hold you back
An inferiority complex is when you have feelings of not being good enough; thinking you need to be different than you are to be successful. This comes along with judging yourself and being afraid of judgement from others. This all stems back to your beliefs about yourself; in order to overcome an inferiority complex we need to change the way we are thinking about ourselves and our abilities.
We need to start telling ourselves that we are good enough, or we are at least willing to believe this and move forward with these thoughts in mind. I have written a post on how to stop worrying about what others think of you here that you can check out which covers some of these things.
5) Imagine the confident version of you and start taking action
This is the ultimate step on how to build your confidence...
Really think about what this confident version of you would be like. What would they be doing with their life? What sort of people would they hang out with? What thoughts would they have and how would they handle things that come up?
Now take action... start with the thoughts; next time you find yourself wishing you had more confidence so you could do something, ask yourself what would confident you do? Would they let worries/ fear stop them? Start doing what this version of you would do, CHOOSE to be that version of you today, there is nothing stopping you (apart from your own mind!).
In Closing:
In this post I have showed you how to build your confidence and I hope that you have been able to look at your confidence in a different way; I hope you feel as though your opportunities have opened up.
It is time to start being the confident version of yourself that you want to be: so that you can start smashing your goals and following your dreams.
Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Blog post: 5 tips to stop worrying about what others think of you:
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
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