4 day LIVE event

Understand and overcome emotional eating

with Makayla Carpenter

Get ready to learn why you are stuck in the pattern of emotional eating and with this knowledge HOW to heal and overcome it. Ready to learn how to stop turning towards food to cope?

Starting on the 28th of May 1pm NZT

Investment: $29NZD

Does this sound familiar...

You feel like you lack willpower/ control when it comes to food.
You find yourself reaching for food for comfort/ to escape certain feelings or situations.
You keep trying diets in an attempt to get more control, but always find yourself falling back into old habits.
You question whether a healthy relationship with food is even possible for you.
You are tired of battling with food, you just want it to feel easy.

The good news

Willpower/ control is not the issue...
You CAN overcome the emotional eating.
Dieting is not the answer...
A healthy relationship with food IS possible for you... this is a belief that needs to be shifted.
It CAN feel easy, you CAN find peace around food...

In 4 days you will know why you have been stuck in the emotional eating pattern and how to overcome it.

It is easy to feel out of control and stuck, however to overcome the emotional eating we need to move away from these feelings. How?

Through understanding why we are emotionally eating and how to address the underlying causes.

When we are able to identify the exact things that are standing in our way we realize something at the same time… we don’t feel so out of control anymore…

This is the power of knowledge and understanding…

When we know exactly why we are stuck, we then have the opportunity to address these very things.

Each day you will get free trainings, workbooks and homework prompts. Receive everything you need to start overcoming the emotional eating FOR GOOD in less than an hour each day.

(Replays will be available and there will be prizes to be won!)


I am your host, Makayla Carpenter

I am food freedom coach specialising in empowering you to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating.

I know what keeps us stuck and why we keep turning towards food (whether controlling it or using it to avoid feelings); and more importantly HOW to start healing and learning to live the life we DESERVE.

Coming from a rough past with food and myself, I am now super passionate about helping people, just like you, to see their true POWER in healing their relationship with food (and themselves!).

Investment: $29NZD

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