Let’s start healing your relationship with food (and yourself!)

So you can overcome the restrictive dieting and emotional eating and live the life you deserve!

Makayla Carpenter testimonial

My "Compassion Driven Healing" Master Class

Get started here by accessing my "Compassion Driven Healing" masterclass. In this master class I show you how to truly heal and overcome yoyo dieting and emotional eating.

I am most proud of losing weight without doing a crazy diet and fitting comfortably into the size down of pants.


Business owner

I’m happy with myself and my relationship with food; the way I see it and feel about it (after working together).


Hi there

My name is Makayla Carpenter

I am a food freedom coach specialising in empowering you to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating. 

I know what keeps us stuck and why we keep turning towards food (whether controlling it or using it to avoid feelings); and more importantly HOW to start healing and learning to live the life we DESERVE.

Coming from a rough past with food and myself, I am now super passionate about helping people, just like you, to see their true POWER in healing their relationship with food (and themselves!) …

From my blog

stress overwhelm

Do you often find yourself turning towards food when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed and don’t know how to stop? This blog post is for you!

Stop feeling like you are on a diet

Do you know that you should probably be eating more nutritious foods: but the idea of it does not sound good. This blog post is just for you!

Do you find yourself worrying about what others think of you? Even letting these concerns stop you from doing things? Read this!

If you are wanting to start your healing journey, make sure to read this blog post.

my proven Program

My Program is for you if:

You are ready to stop using food as a coping mechanism
you are ready to start feeling more confident
You are ready to do the deep work and truly start healing your relationship with yourself and food
You want 1:1 coaching in healing these relationships
You may want to lose weight: but want to do it sustainably

My program is NOT for you if:

You JUST want to lose weight
You like the idea of this but are not willing to make changes
You are looking for an easy quick-fix: we will be delving deep; this won’t always feel easy and we are often dealing with lifelong beliefs and habits which take work to overcome.

New Program - Click below to learn more

The things I love to teach

Awareness of your thoughts and your emotional triggers
How to make small dietary shifts to create huge changes
Creating healthy habits
How to build your confidence and self belief
How to stop worrying about what others think
How to lose weight without dieting
Boundary setting

I absolutely love being able to show people just how much POWER they hold over their life. So while we do focus on the relationship between you and food; I also teach you how limitless the possibilities for you in your life are. 

You will learn (and start believing) how worthy you are of the things you want in life.

An unhealthy relationship with food will stop holding you back…

My "3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” guide

Get started here by grabbing my free 3 step guide. In this I will teach you the 3 most important steps in overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating.



Invercargill, NZ

Makayla Carpenter

If you are wanting to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating, make sure to check out my blog. I know you will find it helpful!

© Copyright Makayla Carpenter.  All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy

Free Master Class: Start Overcoming Emotional Eating TODAY.

Learn about one of the first essential steps to overcoming emotional eating and HOW to implement this and benefit straight away! Walk away feeling confident in your ability to overcome the emotional eating.

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